Appointment Log

Select a Time & Date that is Coinvent for You. I will Confirm and / or reschedule as needed.

Please select a Time & Date that is most coinvent for you. I will CALL YOU BACK to CONFIRM Your Appointment. If I am unable to accommodate your selected time

we can discuss alternative options when I call you. Please note most meetings are Home Resident type appointments, but we can also meet at my Office or common public location

(Coffee shop / Library / McDonalds / etc). If you prefer to have a "Zoom meeting" we can schedule that as well. Generally speaking the first meeting is a "Meet & Greet" type

to get to know each other and discuss how Medicare works, and Assets Your needs moving forward. To call or text Me (Mario) direct: (305) 519-5576

Select a Date & Time ........ Name & Phone number.

I will call you back to confirm your appointment.